Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Another Crappy Day in the Life of Gina D.

Hey hey fellow bloggers. I truly hope your day was not as terrible as mine was. To begin with, I woke up in a bad mood (thanks Mom and Dad...) and tired as crap as a result of my lack of sleep the night before. Straightened my hair, put my clothes on, and ate. I than rushed out the door and into my neighbor's dad's car for carpool. I freaked out because I didnt know where my phone was. Then, I realized that I left it on my counter along with the $7 for my peer counseling shirt. Sound like a good day so far? Don't worry, it gets worse. So, I get to school and trip on my way in right infront of this extremely hot guy. Smooth, Gina. Very smooth. I proceed to freeze my ass off in the 38 degree weather waiting for me outside. My nose turns bright red and people begin to stare as I jog in place to keep my body temperature above 60 degrees. First hour wasnt that bad... We had a substitute (Mrs. Spalt, my favorite sub EVER) and she basically let us do whatever we wanted. Me, being the smart girl I am, usually text Michael Heda when I have Mrs. Spalt as a sub. What did I do today you may ask? I sat in class doing my work. What. A. Nerd. I than realized that it was not for a grade. Great. Second hour we did a lab where you drop paper from the desk and see which one falls the fastest. Exciting? I think not. Third hour spanish? MIDTERMS D: I aced them though, so yay me. It was probably the easiest thing that I have ever done in my life, other than that lame excuse of a survey in fourth hour. In math, we went to the media center to do a survey about technology (WTF???). Not interesting. Not fun. Very, very, VERY unneeded. Fifth hour, we had yet ANOTHER substitute. I have no idea what her name was, but she was cool. I didnt do anything that hour...except have a sad excuse of a bitch out with this wannabe whore, Rachel. So, wanna know what happened? Too bad, I'm gonna tell you anyways. So Annie, Rachel, and Amanda were sitting on the couch in peer counceling. After like 6 minutes, they decided to get up and go to the other couch. Annie and Rachel come back RIGHT as Tyler sat down on the couch to bitch at him. Rachel pretended to have this pretend New York accent... Bull. Shit. Anyway, I stuck up for Tyler because what they were saying made no sense... So she's like "Wow, Gina. Why are you even getting involved in this? Is it because you like Tyler? Well back off, he doesnt like you. And anyway, you're not even part of this so just go away. K thanks, babydoll." And I'm thinking, ew ew ew ew stop spitting on me ew ew ew so gross -think of something clever to say-. So I go "Excuse me, Rachel. But the last time I checked, you were just busy being Annie's bitch and this 'thing' isn't even a thing, you're just blowing it all outta proportion." Than she really gets mad. "Uhmmm, Gina? Whaddthafuuckk is your issue with me? I thought we were friends? Why are you gossiping about me to Tyler? WTFWTFWTFWTF?!?!?!?!" I started laughing because she dropped an F bomb at least 6 times in one sentence. Seriously, go to the dollar store and buy a dictionary. It'll do ya good. So than, The Two Best Friends That Anybodycouldhave (Like my useage of the Hangover? And I know it's three best friends but Rachel only has one friend in this world. *tear*. I take that tear back, she doesn't deserve it) walked off talking sh.t about us really loudly. Bitch. ANYWAYS, in 6th hour I got a sore throat and my boots started hurting.
The end!


  1. No name changes to protect the innocent?? You're a terrible gossip girl. xD Ily. Sorry bout the fight.

  2. They dont deserve name changes >:)

  3. And ty for your sympathy. Love ya!! :)
